Accommodation for Ukrainians

RIPPERT-News Accommodation for Ukrainian refugees

RIPPERT has housed 26 Ukrainians in Plant 3 (Herzebrock, Carl-Miele-Strasse)

Accommodation for Ukrainians Accommodation for Ukrainians

Russian troops began their invasion of the Ukraine on 24 February 2022, since when Russia’s war of aggression continues with increasing severity and destruction. According to the UNHCR, 5.3 million Ukrainians have left their country and fled to the neighbouring European countries. Many have come to Germany. 26 people (adults and children) from several Ukrainian families are housed in accommodation divided into different living areas in Works 3. The former office building was completely converted for this purpose. Bedrooms, common rooms, two kitchens, additional showers and toilets were installed. All furnished rooms are equipped with WLAN and TVs. For the safety of the residents, all living rooms have been equipped with smoke alarms and two additional escape routes have been cut into the façade.

We offer people from the Ukrainian war zones a place of refuge in these difficult times.

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